3 Roses Bouquet


Three perfectly bloomed red roses arranged for a timeless expression of love, gratitude, or congratulations.

  • Simple elegance: A timeless symbol of love and romance, this bouquet is perfect for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or “just because.”
  • Fresh and fragrant: Our roses are picked at peak bloom and delivered fresh, filling the room with a beautiful natural fragrance.

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3 Roses Bouquet: A Timeless Expression of Love

Are you looking for a simple yet elegant way to express your love and appreciation? Look no further than our 3 roses bouquet. This classic arrangement is a timeless symbol of love and romance, perfect for any occasion.

Why Choose This Bouquet?

  • Fresh and Fragrant: Our roses available in red, pink, white or mixed are handpicked at the peak of bloom, ensuring maximum freshness and fragrance.
  • Timeless Elegance: The classic beauty of three long-stemmed roses never goes out of style.
  • Perfect for Any Occasion: Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or a simple “just because” gesture, this bouquet is the perfect choice.
  • Fast Delivery: We offer same-day delivery across Lagos, ensuring your loved one receives their gift promptly.

The Symbolism of Roses

Roses have been a symbol of love, beauty, and passion for centuries. The color red, in particular, is associated with deep love and romance. A bouquet of three red roses is a powerful way to express your feelings for someone special.

Perfect for Any Occasion

While a rose bouquet is often associated with romantic love, it can also be a thoughtful gift for other occasions. Here are a few ideas: Anniversaries, Valentine’s Day Flower gift, Birthdays,Mother’s Day:

Order Your  Bouquet Today

Ready to express your love and appreciation? Order your rose flower bouquet today. Our easy-to-use online ordering system makes it simple to place your order and have it delivered to your loved one’s door.

Don’t forget to add a personalized message to your bouquet. A few words can make your gift even more special.

Make Your Gift More Special, complete the package with CAKES , CUPCAKES and GIFTS