Isabella – White Roses Bouquet


Delight someone special with this gorgeous arrangement of mixed colors of roses in a glass vase. This is the perfect gift for anniversaries, birthdays, or any other special occasion. The roses are arranged in a beautiful way that is sure to impress. The optional glass vase is also a nice touch that makes this arrangement even more special.–

For a better experience, we are offering you a flexible size selection of the bouquet
Want the arrangement in a luxury box? Click to Order


All flowers are subject to availability. In case the illustrated flower is unavailable for any reason, we will substitute it for a flower of the same or higher monetary value and in a similar style and colour without notice. Please note as with all natural products there may be slight variances in colour.
We are offering flowers delivery service all across Lagos, Nigeria. While same day delivery of flowers is available in Lagos, contact us via whatsapp to confirm possibility of the flowers you're about to select before ordering
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Order White Roses in Lagos: A Timeless Symbol of Purity and Elegance

Looking for the perfect way to express your love, respect, or deepest condolences in Lagos? Look no further than a breathtaking bouquet of white roses, delivered straight to their doorstep!

White roses have long been a symbol of purity, innocence, and elegance. They transcend fleeting trends, making them a timeless choice for any occasion. Whether it’s a wedding anniversary, a birthday celebration white roses convey a message that resonates deeply.

A Gift for Every Occasion:

  • Anniversary: Celebrate years of love and commitment with the classic beauty of white roses. They symbolize the purity and strength of your bond, reminding your partner of the enduring love you share.

  • Birthday: White roses add a touch of sophistication to a birthday celebration. They convey a message of respect and appreciation, wishing the recipient a day filled with joy and happiness.

  • Sympathy: Express your deepest condolences and offer solace in a time of loss with a bouquet of white roses. Their pristine beauty conveys a sense of peace and reflects the innocence of the departed.

  • Congratulations: Celebrate achievements and milestones with a bouquet of white roses. They symbolize new beginnings and a fresh start, perfectly capturing the excitement of a successful venture.

Beyond Symbolism:

While the symbolism of white roses is undeniably powerful, the beauty of this flower speaks for itself. Their elegant, delicate form and pure white color create a stunning visual impact, making them an ideal centerpiece for any setting.

Freshness Guaranteed:

At  Zuzu Delights we understand the importance of delivering flowers at their peak freshness. We source our white roses directly from trusted local farms in Lagos, ensuring they arrive with vibrant blooms and a captivating fragrance. Our skilled florists hand-arrange each bouquet with meticulous care, creating a masterpiece that reflects your heartfelt message.

Effortless Delivery:

Let us take the hassle out of gift-giving. Our reliable delivery service ensures your bouquet of white roses arrives at the designated location in Lagos on time and in pristine condition. We offer a variety of delivery options to suit your needs, making it easy to surprise someone special with a thoughtful gesture.

Order your white roses in lagos today and let their timeless beauty speak volumes!

Additional information

Select Size

Entry – 5 roses Bouquet, Xsmall – 10 roses Bouquet, Small – 15 roses Bouquet, Moyenne – 20 roses Bouquet, Standard – 25 roses Bouquet, Deluxe – 30 roses Bouquet, Deluxe plus – 40 roses Bouquet, Deluxe premium – 50 roses Bouquet, First class – 60 roses Bouquet